You’re looking for student car insurance, right? Are you filling out the form and a question appears? Are you going to live at home or at college? And then you ask yourself: How does the address for college student car insurance influence what you will pay?
Let’s take a closer look at this topic and find out its importance.
College Students Should Use Home Address When Applying for Auto Insurance Quotes
If you are applying for college student car insurance, you should write your home address on the form. So why is it necessary when looking for car insurance for college students away from home? Well, your permanent residence for all legal purposes is still your home. This will be the case unless you have rented a residence in the city or you are staying permanently in the university facilities.
Once again, your legal residence will remain your home when you go to college. Wherever you go when you are out of college, that will be your home address. You may think this isn’t important, but it’s definitely crucial if you want to get cheap college student car insurance and not pay more than you need to and cover all of your current insurance needs.
By keeping your parents’ address, you will be covered by their car insurance even when you go to college.
That is why, when you fill out the form, it is so important what you answer about the address. It’s a good thing you’re still covered by your parents’ policy, don’t you think?
Auto insurance companies often consider children going to college to be permanent residents of their parents’ home. This means, among other things, that car insurance for college students is cheaper if they are included in their parents’ insurance policy. In this way, both children and parents can save some money.
How to stay on your parents’ insurance policy and get the cheapest car insurance for college students?
- You drive your parents’ car and therefore do not own the vehicle.
- You reside in your parents’ house
- You are a full-time college student and insurance companies consider your primary address to be the same as your parents’.
If you buy another car and change your permanent residence, you may need to get other car insurance. You should continue to write your home address on the form when you buy now pay later car insurance quotes. Nevertheless, your parents’ insurance plan is not considered in these car insurance quotes.
You can start requesting quotes and comparing prices. So, this is the right time to decide, with your parents, whether to buy new car insurance or keep theirs. Of course, it all depends on the difference in cost between the two options.
Most of the time, new car insurance will be much more expensive than if you stick with your parents’ insurance. If you live with your parents when you are not at school, you may still be covered by your parents’ policy. In a short time you will see the benefits for the family economy.
When filling out the car insurance form, would it be advisable to list the college address as your permanent residence?
Yes, it is! Asking for auto insurance quotes is free. So, when you’re searching for car insurance quotes from different companies, you can enter your college address and compare the difference when you enter your home address. This doesn’t really affect you at all, and can help you make a better choice. Of course, for this you must be able to receive mail at the university.
As we’ve already said, it’s usually best for you to stay on your parents’ policy. But, contradictorily, it’s also possible that if you’ve moved out of state to attend college, the insurance will be cheaper if you enter the school’s address on the form. This is because laws in different states vary, as do insurance plans.
Perhaps the state you moved to for college is much more expensive than yours, or vice versa. Auto insurance premiums vary widely from city to city and state to state. Car insurance in large cities like Victoria Texas in rural areas is cheaper than in cities. Therefore, if you’re moving from your home in a big city to a smaller one, the difference could be noticeable.
In short, it does not harm you at all to put the address of the school on the form. If the move to another city is at Christmas time, try to rent a post office box in the city to which you are going. If that is a cheaper state, by entering the school address on the form, you can receive certain benefits.
All of this can be confusing anyway, especially if when you get out of school, you spend most of your time at home. In this case, the car insurance company assumes that you will be driving your car there. Therefore, this option should only be used if you do not intend to return home on vacation, not in the summer, not ever.
Your car insurance company can provide you with the best information you need
In any case, most car insurance companies have branch offices in almost every state. They can tell you what’s best for you when shopping for auto insurance: do it in your school town or at home.
Again, it’s usually best to stay on your parents’ policy. This is completely allowed if you live at home when you are not in school. Legally, you remain a permanent resident at home and a temporary resident at the university. So why not save some money by putting your home address on the form and stay on your parents’ car insurance policy?