You realize that as a jewelry lover, you admire and get to acquire new jewelry every so often. This depends on your needs as there is a wide array of jewelry you can have. Over time, you build a collection of assorted pieces that you are emotionally attached to, in different ways.
Some you may have acquired when your mood was low and you needed to uplift your spirit; some you may have solicited to mark an important occasion like an anniversary or a memorial of a loved one who you are no longer with, others could have been gifts from special people, while you may have bought others randomly during a shopping spree.
Soon you are woken up to the reality that you own a whole drawer and some more of jewelry that you are so connected with, you never wish to lose any.
Sometimes it gets difficult to explain to someone how one person can acquire so much jewelry until it becomes difficult to store them in an orderly fashion.
Problem that comes up when jewelry are ill stored include, damages and losses. In other occasions you may forget to wear some of your jewelry simply because they are not easily within reach.
Storing your treasured pieces in a way that you can easily access them whenever you wish to re-live your moods at the time you acquired them or simply dress up can thus be quite a challenge, if your jewelry is not well stored. This is so because when not well stored, most jewelry pieces overlie each other. Rummaging through may often destroy them. And in the long run you do not find what you need.
Also some pieces of jewelry come in pairs or sets. A bracelet will often have its matching ring and a neckpiece. You do not want a situation where you have a neckpiece without its sister bracelet or ring.
Then there are those pieces that are just so dear or quite pricey, you do not ever wish to lose them. provides you with unique, assorted jewelry ranging from bracelets, to rings and accessories. Umisoul has kinds of bracelets for couples, if you are that kind of person that loves a matchy-matchy kind of wear with your spouse. You will not miss charm rings and bracelets if these are your kind of things. For people who thrive with positive affirmations alongside jewelry pieces that provide you a sense of well being and calmness of mind, you will not miss to find a piece or some for your use at Umisoul.
In this article, I help you to discover some methods and wonderful ideas which you can use to safely and effectively store your jewelry. Whatever your reason may be, you will not miss a storage option that works just well for you.
Use creatively painted storage pots.
In a world where every accessory is acquired by buying, unleash your creative side by settling on a few unpainted ceramic pieces from the vase store and get to work on them. Through this, you not only create a storage point for your jewelry but also create an attachment to these vessels since you get to customize them as you wish. My idea would be to paint these vessels in different colors that are your favorite. For instance, blue would be used to store jewelry that you like to wear when you are on vacations say when you visit the beach, or when your moods are high.
A red painted vase for jewelry used for intimate occasions and on those days that you are ready to present your business pitch to a highly value client. Green would be painted on the vase that holds the kind of jewelry that allows you to reconnect with nature.
If you are not the kind of person to get into paints, then you can simply buy color coded vases and store your jewelry.
A chest of drawers works well with storage of jewelry. You may only need to procure an organizer which fits inside the drawers. Most organizers have smaller sections that have been segmented for your use. On the organizer, you can plan to keep away neckpieces or bracelets as you wish to have them. Several chests of drawers can be used for this purpose especially if you have quite some pieces of jewelry.
Some people use their dressing drawers for this purpose so that the room is not congested.
Wall hangers or hooks
Another very simple idea you can use to store your jewelry is by using hangers or hooks on the walls of your room. This is my all time favorite since the pieces are always within reach and fully visible. This works well if you are on the go kind of person. You simply pick what you need and get going. Trick is to always return the piece where you found it, at the end of the day.
Model storage
This is an ingenious way to store your jewelry. Models in form of human sculptures made out of wood, stone or even fiberglass come in handy. Some people may find this creepy but for an open minded individual keen on effectively storing their valuables; this method comes in very handy. Also in a transient world where everything keeps changing, why not?
The model wears the assorted jewelry in the appropriate places. Every piece of your special jewelry goes on the model where you would naturally wear them. Hand for bracelets, legs for anklets, neck for the neckpieces, arms for the bracelets.
Of course, your very expensive pieces of jewelry cannot be aired out in the open. The safe has been for ages, one of the safest methods of storing valuables.
Jewelry that has traditionally been stored in the safe has been the hand me down pieces that have over generations stayed in the family lineage for decades. Others are charms that are supposedly used to keep their users safe or sound from prying eyes. You can learn more about such pieces from umisoul.